About wool - Woolen clothing store Cashmerebox


Cashmere is…

что такое кашемир

Cashmere is…

что такое кашемир 2020-05-19T22:19:56+03:00 Category:

Cashmere is the undercoat of mountain goats Capra Hircus (lat.), living on the plateaus of Mongolia and China (region Inner Mongolia) and Tibet. Let’s clarify, that cashmere is one of the varieties of wool, because wool is the hair coat of any animal. Cashmere is called “soft gold”, “diamond wool” deservedly. The proportion of cashmere…

Why is Mongolian cashmere considered the best in the whole world?

Почему монгольский кашемир считается лучшим в мире

Why is Mongolian cashmere considered the best in the whole world?

Почему монгольский кашемир считается лучшим в мире 2020-05-19T22:14:49+03:00 Category:

If you examine the market of the countries, which supply such raw material as cashmere, the ratio will be the following: 1. China (Inner Mongolia province) – 60% 2. Mongolia – 30% 3. Iran, Afghanistan – 5% 4. Turkey, India, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland – 5% CASHMEREBOX only works with 100% cashmere of the…

What is organic wool?

Что такое органическая шерсть

What is organic wool?

Что такое органическая шерсть 2020-05-19T22:09:09+03:00 Category:

We feel an unconditional love to quality cashmere. Nevertheless, there is one subtlety, which makes our heart beat more often. This embodiment of utter softness and tenderness is organic cashmere. There are four shades of cashmere goats in nature. The top woolen cover is always darker than the undercoat. Organic cashmere is the undercoat of…

Cashmere price

Blog thumbnail

Cashmere price

Blog thumbnail 2020-05-19T21:51:41+03:00 Category:

Cashmere is called the “diamond wool” deservedly. The proportion of cashmere according to the volume of world wool production of all other varieties is not more than 0.5%. Owing to limited supply and constantly growing demand around the world, this fiber is a unique and elite raw material in clothing manufacture. According to independent estimates…

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