Why is Mongolian cashmere considered the best in the whole world? - Woolen clothing store Cashmerebox

Why is Mongolian cashmere considered the best in the whole world?

Why is Mongolian cashmere considered the best in the whole world?

Почему монгольский кашемир считается лучшим в мире

Why is Mongolian cashmere considered the best in the whole world?

Почему монгольский кашемир считается лучшим в мире 2020-05-19T22:14:49+03:00 Category:

If you examine the market of the countries, which supply such raw material as cashmere, the ratio will be the following:
1. China (Inner Mongolia province) – 60%
2. Mongolia – 30%
3. Iran, Afghanistan – 5%
4. Turkey, India, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland – 5%

CASHMEREBOX only works with 100% cashmere of the highest quality, and that is why once we were in Mongolia.
The quality of Mongolian cashmere is the best and cherished in the world. This is due to the climate conditions of Mongolia.
Mongolia has extreme continental climate with severe winters down to -50C and hot short summers. Goats increase their thick, soft, clean and very gentle lower fluff in order to survive in extremely cold weather conditions.

Only once a year, in late spring, animals have a period of shedding. Herders comb goats out with special combs by their hands entirely. Cashmere goats increase life-saving fluff again with the coming of autumn cooling.

Length and thickness of cashmere fiber are the indicators of its quality. The fluff of Mongolian goats is from 10 to 15 microns in diameter and its average length is 38-43 mm. These figures are high and guarantee softness, elasticity and durability of the future product.

In Mongolia, the animals are in the fresh air all year round. They graze in the vast steppes and get food by themselves. Avoiding artificial feed is beneficial to the quality of undercoat.
Goats Capra Hircus give fluff for the manufacture of cashmere. Manufacturers try to breed them in other regions of the world: Iran, Central Asia, Scotland and Australia. However, the weather conditions differ from the climate of Central Asia that is why the undercoat of the goat gets rude, it is not as clean as it must be and there is no real cashmere. At least, the product that is called «cashmere» differs in quality for the worse greatly.

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