Cashmere price - Woolen clothing store Cashmerebox

Cashmere price

Cashmere price

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Cashmere price

Blog thumbnail 2020-05-19T21:51:41+03:00 Category:

Cashmere is called the “diamond wool” deservedly.

The proportion of cashmere according to the volume of world wool production of all other varieties is not more than 0.5%.
Owing to limited supply and constantly growing demand around the world, this fiber is a unique and elite raw material in clothing manufacture.

According to independent estimates of the world cashmere market, these products are put up for sale 4 times more than it can be produced from authentic raw materials all over the world.
Cashmere has become synonymous with luxury, and its name is manipulated for personal gain. Sellers’ commercial interests, price wars and struggle for market segments lead to the appearance of absolute imitations, blends and poor quality cashmere on the store shelves.

The cost of raw cashmere increased by 70% in 2018 and 40% more in 2019. This trend will continue in subsequent years. ⠀

Cashmere is a rare, precious fiber, which is already expensive at the stage of collecting raw feathers. ⠀

There is no cheap cashmere. Either forgery or the shoddiest quality can cost cheap, but the very essence of the garment lost immediately.

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